Malta on Motor Yacht Alfie Buoy
/35°53'31.2"N 14°30'56.5"E Valetta, Malta
“Ghidli ma’ min taghmilha u nghidlek x’int”
Tell me who you’re friends with and I’ll tell you what you are
Maltese proverb
Since the summer of 2015, Motor Yacht Alfie Buoy has cruised away from the traditional white-glove, glitzy flair of the super-yacht industry and towards something truly luxurious: laid-back, quality service, rare experiences, and an abundance of time for guests to relax and explore with those they love the most…
… & this motley crew is full of love.
Welcomed onboard by Captain Greg and his crew of India, Pippy, Patch and Cambridge we wasted no time popping a cork to celebrate our beautiful Mandy-Moo’s birthday and tucking into cake, lovingly baked by Cambridge.
Dgħajsa (pronounced ghaj-sa) the traditional water taxi carry us across Grand Harbour between Birgu and Valetta.
Valetta is as enchanting as her name.
The capital city of Malta, most of Valetta’s building are 16th century and the city is officially recognised as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO and was the European Capital of Culture for 2018.
The city’s fortifications, along with the beauty of its Baroque palaces, gardens and churches, led the ruling houses of Europe to give the city its nickname ‘Superbissima’ latin for "Proudest".
April sunshine may be warming those crumbling chalk cliffs, but the water is still fresh, really fresh!
that warm feeling in your wetsuit
We dined at Del Borgo on huge sharing platters piled with meats, cheese, olives and pitta, stuffed Maltese baked dough and pasta bowls overspilling with ragu, ravioli and ricotta.
Then snuck into cavernous whiskey bars.
& finally, when in the Mediterranean, it is criminal to leave a great day without gelato…
The next day Captain Greg found this supreme anchor spot.
Entered via a slim gap in the rock, the cliffs surrounded us by 300 degrees, we were as sheltered as we could get outside of the marina.
The chilly water temperature didn’t stop us.
In April it sits around 16 degrees, for the warmer water go June through November.
may we present… dji’s new swimming drone. whoops!!!
‘We’ (the boys) decided a night dive through the sea caves would be fun. ‘We’ the girls thought this sounded cold.
We were both right.
The gratitude for the warm shower afterwards was immense. Alice rationed the hot shower between herself, Mandy and I, filling our wetsuits. As the warmth spread across our chilled skin we giggled over the shared experience we’d just had. High on overcoming the fear of the uncomfortable, cold, dark sea and the memories made from being brave enough to do it anyway.
Luxury is worth it’s weight when it allows safety and comfort around experiences which challenge you, experiences you wouldn’t otherwise have. All the more priceless shared with cherished friends.
After a day at sea we needed a feast, we strolled to the far side of the marina for Hammetts Macina, run by Le Cordon Bleu alumni Chris Hammett.
“Unimaginable history seeps from the Maċina’s ancient walls. Built almost half a millennium ago by the Knights of Saint John, the Maċina has been a landmark for centuries, now hosting Hammett’s Maċina Restaurant. Drawing on this history, the gastronomical concept is a take on the islands’ succession of powers with a modern representation of traditional Mediterranean culinary influences that date back to the Phoenician times.”
Our appetites ravenous, we ordered a table bursting with beautiful dishes and dived right in.
“Gawdi ghax mid-dinja m’ghandna xejn” maltese proverb
Have fun because we TAKE nothing from this world
Video produced by the immensely fantastic Googsi Creative
We have some clever cookies onboard;
Luke of Googsi Creative and Protect Blue
Matt Porteous of Studio M and OceanCultureLife
Ben Jacquier of
& last but not least, Alfie Buoy Captain Greg & Crew
Thank you, for your creative contributions to this adventure and to our lives!
C x