Bye Jersey, hello Carteret
/49.3817° N, 1.7514° W Carteret, France
Sneaking away quietly in a 5a.m weather window
Adios Amigos... Jersey you will be missed but we are so darn excited for the adventure! Our first port of call, Carteret.
Carteret is close to home. 24 miles from our home port. I race the Gorey to Carteret Rowing Race annually so I usually make it at least once a year, often under my own steam. They reward us with Cider and a live local folk band on the green and it makes the blisters worth it.
It is a quiet, pretty little village. The main street is 100 yards from top to toe but supplies everything you require from a small french village; stripes, pain au chocolat and vin rouge.
Mum jumped on a ferry and showed up for an evening to say Au Revoir. You wouldn’t have known we’d left Jersey behind, the marina was full of Jersey boat owners and the couple moored next to us kindly offered us the use of their holiday wheels to provision the boat. Boating community spirit is alive and well. We hadn’t long left home though and putting into practise our 'provisioning by bike' set-up was too tempting. So we cycled to the Supermarche and got enough supplies to get us through the five days of grafting required; de-rigging, unstepping and stowing everything we’d spent the last few months putting in place, ready for transporting on truck from Carteret in the north to Port de La Rague in the south.
Charlie x